What is the "Device Protection Plan"?

Device Protection


Last Update één jaar geleden

The device protection plan is a repair only device insurance plan that offers you the opportunity to safeguard your smartphone & pocket from unexpected accidents like screen damage, motherboard damage, & other possible damages at very affordable prices. 

You can also spread your payments between monthly, semi-annual or annual options. Furthermore, you also get access to other amazing benefits like our RNPL (Repair Now Pay Later) service that allows you to fix damages that occur to your uninsured gadgets or assets, or non-claimable accidents to your insured property. 

A functioning phone is a bank and an office in your hands, a non-functional phone means no access to internet, financial services and ultimately less productivity for you. With our device protection plan, you can be rest assured that come rain, come sunshine, Mizala would always be an answer to your phone troubles. 

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