Benefits and Requirements for Health Protection Plan

Benefits and requirements

Rebecca I

Last Update setahun yang lalu

With the Mizala Health Plan you get access to 200+ hospitals across all states in Nigeria, cheap health insurance, access to doctors on-demand (telemedicine), medical loans/financing, subsidized medicine purchases amongst others.

Below are some of the benefits:

1. General Consultation - Outpatient and Inpatient

2. Specialist Consultation - 3 per annum

3. Lab Investigations

4. Prescribed Drugs

5. Physiotherapy - 3 per annum

6. Chronic Conditions Management

7. Plain & Contrast X-Rays - Plain X-ray Only

8. Admissions in Hospital - General Ward

9. Admissions per Annum - 7 days

10. Feeding on Admission

11. Drugs & Infusions

12. Postnatal Care - 6 weeks

13. Neonatal Care

Onboarding Requirements:

1. Customer Name

2. Customer Home/Office Address

3. Customer Phone Number

4. Customer Email Address

5. Customer Gender

6. Customer Marital Status

7. Customer DOB

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